Since day one, God has used Word of Life to bring people from all over the world to Himself. When Jack Wyrtzen and Harry Bollback began the ministry of Word of Life, they were committed to engaging their culture with the Gospel. Today, Word of Life remains committed to the purpose of reaching our generation with the Gospel creating opportunities for youth and families to experience their faith, and share the message of salvation with those who have never heard.
Reaching Your Generation
From the beginning, it was the vision of Word of Life’s founders that we will do what it takes to reach this generation for Jesus Christ. One of those men, Jack Wyrtzen, fully believed that it was his personal responsibility to share the Gospel with the lost. As a result, Word of Life is still committed to teaching and training this generation to reach the world through camp ministry, Bible Institutes, and world wide missions opportunities.
Word of Life Camps
In 1946, Jack and Harry rented a rowboat for fifty cents and rowed over to what is now Word of Life Island for the very first time. They claimed to be “just looking.” Though the property itself was in shambles, the pair had a vision for that island that far exceeded anyone’s expectation. Jack offered $25,000 (a fifth of the asking price) to the owner, eighty-three-year-old Miss Clark, and she accepted. Since that day, hundreds of thousands of teens have attended camp on Word of Life Island.
Word of Life Bible Institute
In 1970, the first American Bible Institute was opened, following the pattern of the original campus in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Bible Institutes are known for their structured discipleship, world class Bible teachers, and effective ministry among young students. Today, Word of Life has Bible Institutes in 14 countries around the world, each year training thousands of young people to use the Word of God for the Glory of God. God has certainly blessed Word of Life, and the Bible Institute has become a launching ground for students to take the Gospel all around the world.